The Microfiction Project

by Kristin Yancy

Microfiction Typewriter Still.png

The Microfiction Project is a multi-part series of filmed short stories, told primarily through movement. Inspired by a fiction writing class I took in college, these videos were first envisioned during a particularly epic snowstorm, resulting in two solitary but extra-cozy-honestly-blissful days snowed into my apartment. Several Pinterest boards and many artist dates later, The Microfiction Project is now being realized, directed, choreographed, and made available for your viewing pleasure by yours truly (hello!), in collaboration with my BRILLIANT Director of Photography, Chelsea Robin Lee, and a group of all-star, super talented artists.

Peep available Chapters of The Microfiction Project below, and revisit this page for future releases:


Chapter One

Prudence Merriweather always ate her breakfasts alone, in dress and gloves, at a small, round table in the middle of a small, clean kitchen with one window and two doors that led to nowhere. 


Chapter Three



Chapter Two

They had each other, and they had their tiny pleasures, their books and plants and songs. And overall, they were okay. Until they weren’t.


Chapter Four