I've been gone from this blog for a while. Not because I haven't been making things. But because I've been making one, huge thing. This thing we called The Hunt. And we shared it. From November 17th-21st, we shared it, and now I am taking some time to think about what exactly it even was.

This is what I remember from that time, and what I learned.

It's fall. I'm running to catch these witches, to make them real. I'm obsessed, and it feels pretty damn good.

I'm about to work harder on this than I've worked on almost anything. I'll dream about it at night, and I'll roll out of bed in the morning and open my computer, only to find myself still in the same position six hours later, dragging these witches out of the universe. I'll break down, twice. It will instigate exactly one big fight in my relationship. I would be proud it was just the one time, except for that I know the credit doesn't belong to me because my partner is a superhero.

I will be amazed at how things come together, figure themselves out, once they've begun. I will be amazed by the talent around me, the willingness of others to jump. I will relish the opportunity to stand outside of this and watch, for once.

Working on it will change my understanding of my community. I will see friendships in new light, all kinds of light. I will see what I'm capable of, and I will take on the jobs I normally hate, gladly.

I will see the downfalls and perks of mixing naiveté and optimism. I realize that I can't do everything, but I try anyway. 

I will take pride in finishing what I started. At the end, I'll feel very tired, but I'll wonder also what comes next. 

I'm still wondering, but something is starting to stir. Witches may visit me again. I hope they do.

Until then, a documentation. This is the long-form of the teaser we circulated. I'm sharing this one because we chose to circulate the shorter one, but I made this first, in a frenzy, and this blog is the place where I share the real and rough versions of my heart.

Here is a behind-the-scenes view of what we we looked like in process:

Here is what it felt like to reach our fundraising goals:

Here is what we built, from scratch:

Here is a bit of what it looked like in real life:

And , most importantly, here are the people who made it happen:

Stay tuned for a reappearance of the beast itself.